Feb 9, 2009

2/9/09 10-30 Questions

1) What is the most interesting thing you've done lately?
2) How bad is it to live in a nursing home?
3) What is it like to live in a nursing home?
4) How often does your family visit?
5) What do you do now that you didn't do in your youth? Vise versa?
6) Is this how you saw yourself when you were younger?
7) What % of old people live with their families?
8) What % of old people live in a nursing home?
9) What % of old people live on their own?
10) What % of old people volunteer?
11) What % of old people work for money?
12) What % of old people live in poverty?
13) Do you enjoy your life now?
14) What do you wish you could do?
15) What % of old people are in good shape?
16) What % of old people are obese?
17) What % of old people are depressed?
18) What % of old people happy?
19) What % of old people content?
20) What % of old people can't walk?
21) Who are some role models for old people? Who do they look up to?
22) What is an average day like for someone who can't walk?
23) What % of old people considers them to be "young?"
24) How often do you think about your health?
25) How often do you think about death or dying?
26) What is it like to not be able to do things on your own?
27) Do you like having assistance to complete everyday activities?
28) What % of old people have control over their bodies? What % of old people do not?

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