Jan 21, 2009

1/21/09 Folk Culture's Messages on the Good and Meaningful Life - Online advice from regular folks

While online, you can easily view advertisments that people have posted for other websites, mostly online sources where regular people give advise on "life" finding the best "beauty secrets," "relationship advice," etc. Online people can post just about anything they like, whether it is wrong or right, its just their personal opinion.

On wikiHow you can read about questions people have put out on the internet in hopes that other "regular people" will respond with some usable advice. For example "How to Think of Conversations to Talk about with your Boyfriend?" was a question asked. When people join the site they can add/edit answers and give their personal advice to help answer the questions. When regular people pass on their own knowledge to others that is passing on their folk culture, what they have learned from experience and from people before them. Most advice given is from personal experience, the person giving the advice have most likely been in the same situation and are now helping others by passing along their knowledge.

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