1) What is wisdom?
→Understanding yourself, experience.
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
3) What are the most meaningful parts of your life?
→Family and friends
4) What makes a life meaningful?
→“Having fun, doing what I like to do.”
5) What is meaningless in you life?
6) How can you make your life more meaningful?
→“Having fun doing everything.”
Lady with perfume, black shirt, jeans, middle aged (maybe in mid-thirties), on Park Ave.
1) What is wisdom?
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
→10 (she took a minute to answer this question but when she did, she said it with confidence and definitively)
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”My family, my friends, and my health are very important to me.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”Umm…..I guess material things.”
5) Is human life sacred?
→”Ahh, wow [laughing], umm…yes.”
Homeless man sitting against the mail box on 18th St. and Park Ave, white beard, yellow teeth.
1) What is wisdom?
→”I would say wisdom is knowledge.”
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
→”I believe my life has purpose, so I would say 8, [laughing] I’d like to be a 10 to tell you the truth.”
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”Children, yes, they are very important. They are our future. We need to outreach and teach them more.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”Hmm, money. You know money isn’t everything. Do we need it, yes. Do we want it, yes, sometimes. But its not always needed. Have you every heard people say ‘money is the rule of all evil’? I believe that’s true.”
5) Is human life sacred?
→”Yes I would like to think that is true but no…people should be, but they don’t [grave digging, war, etc.], I’d like to think so.”
Video man, Grassroot Soccer, MLS W.O.R.K.S., to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, (in mid to late 20’s), standing outside of Chipotle [Union Square]
1) What is wisdom?
→“Ahhmm….wisdom, I’d say is experience and age, yea.”
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
→”[sigh] a 7.”
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”Meaningful parts? Umm…defiantly sports, I like sports and my family. Oh and this conversation with you is meaningful because without you asking me that question I would have never thought of what is meaningful to me. So thanks for that.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”I’d like to say soccer [laughing] oh but no, no, umm….religion.”
5) Is human life sacred?
→”It depends.”
Ethan Zohan, winner of Survivor: Africa, in charge of Grassroot Soccer, MLS W.O.R.K.S., to raise awareness about HIV/ AIDS, standing outside of Chipotle [Union Square]
Ethan Zohan is the guy in the front row with curly hair.
1) What is wisdom?
→”What is wisdom…wisdom is knowledge and having the ability to spread happiness to others.”
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
→”[laughing] I’m a 7.962.” (I just wanted to mention, I don’t think Ethan was taking this question seriously but whatever, at least I got an answer out of him, he seemed stubborn at times.)
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”This organization, Grassroot Soccer in coaliation with MLS W.O.R.K.S. is very meaningful to me. That’s what everyone is doing here today, we kicked soccer balls around the city and the commissioner has come down to present us with an official certificate of recognition, naming today October 3, 2008 Dribble Day 2008. Soccer is very rewarding, it’s my favorite sport and it helps kids stay healthy.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”Hmm…everything has a purpose in life.” (he made a joke about his hair being useless, he has it but its not that important to him)
5) Is human life sacred?
Kimberley Ann Omae, my mom, mother of two, 52.
1) What is wisdom?
→”Wisdom is experience, you have to have experienced it yourself.”
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”My children are the most meaningful to me and of course my own life.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”rare and few.” (that’s all she told me, I tried to get a better or clearer answer from here but she was too tired)
5) Is human life sacred?
Jin Nicholas Omae, younger brother, attends School of the Future, 16.
1) What is wisdom?
2) On a scale of 1-10 how meaningful is your life?
3) What are the meaningful aspects of your life?
→”Ok…(1) Family (2) my bed – its my sanctuary and I spend 1/3 of my life there (3) my personal space.”
4) What are the meaningless aspects of your life?
→”Ughhhh [sighing]…they are endless – garbage, Jessica Cooper, ‘The Sound of Music,’ charities, etc.”
5) Is human life sacred?
→”Not really, no.” (I was not satisfied with this answer so I asked him what he meant.) “I just don’t think that 1 person is going to change the world you know. One person is not that significant. No one person has more significance than the other.”
One thing that I found quite interesting is after a few questions I think many of the people I had interviewed found themselves puzzled. I do not think they had never taken the time to think about the meaning of their life or if they have any meaningful aspects of their life. I also think it was the fact that a complete stranger was asking these questions.
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