Sep 15, 2008

Basic Outline & Personal Thoughts 9/15/08

Basic Outline:

Aspects of my Life that brim w/ meaning
-Art (Photography)

Then show art --> with photos (this is meaningful to me because I create it)

Then show aspects of my life that do not have meaning.
-Responsibilities and Parts of my Everyday life:
food shopping
school/education-graduating, going to college
job (boring)-not interested in job
cleaning (use the two pictures of trash/food wrappers on the table to show a mess)
eating (The Underground (The Hidden City Cafe) take pictures of it, tired of eating there everyday, has no meaning to me, but it does to everyone else, I only go there because I don't want to eat lunch alone.)

Show this aspect (Responsibilities and Parts of my Everyday life) through MY art: photography

So I'm using an aspect of my life that brims with meaning to show an aspect of my life that does not brim with meaning.

I also have beginning slides with credits on it and so on and so forth. Still in progress.

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